Thomas on Talkies #7

Ok superfans, I know it’s been a while, but hey life is busy. Today’s bit of cinema is the Bourne Legacy. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!! As you know from reading previous, i kinda throw out random thoughts as I watch the movies. Kind of a live review.

I’m a little nervous as to how this will turn out, love all three of the Damon entries and my jury is still out on Renner. With the exception of The Town, I haven’t seen him do anything special yet. MI4 and Avengers were good but I can’t say he added to them.

So away we go. I love the not so subtle nob to Identity in the opening shot. OK so when did fighting wolves in the arctic make you a BA? Oh yeah, after Liam Neeson did it!!!!

Yeah!! Edward Norton, love him as an actor. So far I’m confused on the timeline, it references events from Ultimatum and then more wolves…. Only ten mins in so far so hopefully answers will come.

Apparently this is a kinder friendlier agent, he is really being sweet to the other program member. The other guy doesn’t seem as nice.

Almost thirty mins in and nothing is really happening, the other Bourne’s grabbed me from the get go, this one, not so much. Well at least something just blew up, it’s getting better. It’s still pretty boring watching the hero fight wolves and drones.

It’s kind of sad that I am more interested in the parallel story to Ultimatum than the story of Cross. I hate it when they portray women as stupid in these movies, this chick knocks a gun out of a mad scientist’s hands and then runs away allowing him to pick the weapon back up. DUMB!!!

I’m wondering why all these movies have to be about agents off the reservation. Where is the movie about a superspy program that goes right?

What Costco does she shop at that she had a agent in her pantry??? I WANT ONE!!!! So it took an hour to get to the new Bourne kicking some butt. The single camera shot up the side of the house was well done.

So at one hour and fifteen minutes we finally get to the plot of the movie, Cross is an addict. And luckily the doctor lady is explaining what is going on.

I’ve got forty five minutes to go and I am bored. I wish I could viral myself out of watching this movie, but for my faithful readers, I will trudge on.

Nothing really special in the set up for the third act/finale. Let’s hope this last 20 mins makes up for the rest of this otherwise lame reboot. The parkour and motorcycle chase have both been done better in other movies. And out of no where it literally comes to a crashing stop.

What would have made this better. First off more action, simple fix there. Secondly a different music supervisor. The score was good for a spy movie, but lacking that cool factor that the others in this series had. Third: main characters that I care about. This was a mediocre reboot of a phenomenal series, but the sequels could be fixed. Maybe they could take the series in a different direction by bringing an new agent for each subsequent movie.

This weeks top 5 list. Top five actors to cast in The Bourne series.
5. Garrett Hedland. He was actually pretty good in Tron: Legacy.

4. Michael Fassbender. I know he is already in 2 reboot series and taking on Assassin’s Creed, but I think he would be excellent.

3. James MacAvoy. Prof X could pull it out, this time the agent would have a personality!!

2. Clive Owen. Do a parallel that leads up to his involvement in Bourne 1.

1. Matt Damon. How about the leader of a group of rouge Bourne’s fighting evil all over the world. Call it Team Bourne: World Police!!!

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